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Updates a user's bio

Request Body

Information required to update a bio

userid string REQUIRED

The UserId

tokenContent string REQUIRED

The token's content

bio object

The new bio

isPrivateAccount boolean

If the account is private

Status integer

A status indicator represented from 1-6

StatusText string

The user generated status

Description string

A user's description

PfpURL string

The URL for a profile picture (restrictions configurable by server)

BannerURL string

The URL for a profile banner (restrictions configurable by server)

DisplayName string

An optional Display Name for a user

Pronouns object

Either an object to define set, or "remove" to remove pronouns

nominativeId integer

The id for the nominative pronoun

accusativeId integer

The id for the accusative pronoun

reflexiveId integer

The id for the reflexive pronoun

independentId integer

The id for an independent pronoun

dependentId integer

The id for a dependent pronoun

DisplayThree boolean

Whether or not to display three pronoun cases instead of two (such as He/Him/Himself)

firstCase integer

The first case id to be shown

secondCase integer

The second case id to be shown

thirdCase integer

The third case id to be shown


A successful request

success boolean

Was the operation a success

message string

The message returned by the server

result object OPTIONAL

The result of the server response