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Manages AssetTokens for files such as private avatars or worlds

Request Body

Information required to manage an AssetToken

userid string REQUIRED

The UserId

tokenContent string REQUIRED

The token's content

action integer REQUIRED

Which action to apply to a user (addbadge, removebadge, setrank, warnuser, banuser, unbanuser, deleteavatar, deleteworld)

targetUserId string REQUIRED

The target UserId to apply the moderation action to

badgeName string

The badge to add (addbadge or removebadge action)

newRank integer

The new rank to give to a user (setrank action)

warnReason string

The reason to apply a warn (warnuser action)

warnDescription string

The description to why a user was given a warning (warnuser action)

banReason string

The reason to apply a ban (banuser action)

banDescription string

The description to why a user was given a ban (banuser action)

timeEnd integer

The time when the ban will end in UNIX (banuser action)

avatarId string

The AvatarId to delete

worldId string

The WorldId to delete


A successful request

success boolean

Was the operation a success

message string

The message returned by the server

result object OPTIONAL

The result of the server response