Manages AssetTokens for files such as private avatars or worlds
Request Body Information required to manage an AssetToken |
userid string — REQUIREDThe UserId |
tokenContent string — REQUIREDThe token's content |
action integer — REQUIREDWhich action to apply to a user (addbadge, removebadge, setrank, warnuser, banuser, unbanuser, deleteavatar, deleteworld) |
targetUserId string — REQUIREDThe target UserId to apply the moderation action to |
badgeName stringThe badge to add (addbadge or removebadge action) |
newRank integerThe new rank to give to a user (setrank action) |
warnReason stringThe reason to apply a warn (warnuser action) |
warnDescription stringThe description to why a user was given a warning (warnuser action) |
banReason stringThe reason to apply a ban (banuser action) |
banDescription stringThe description to why a user was given a ban (banuser action) |
timeEnd integerThe time when the ban will end in UNIX (banuser action) |
avatarId stringThe AvatarId to delete |
worldId stringThe WorldId to delete |
Responses | ||||
200 A successful request