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New moderation backends! The moderator backend allows users with rank Moderator or higher to apply certain moderator actions on users and content. This also adds the request invite feature, where users can request to have an invite sent from the desired user.


  • Added /api/v1/moderation (POST) to API
    • See below for more details
  • Added requestinvite message to Socket
    • See below for more details
  • By default, login tokens now expire after 30 days instead of 7 days.
  • Fixed issue where server would crash without Internet
  • Fixed issue where isUserBodyValid would return true for null values
  • Fixed typo in SocketServer.GetAllGameServers()

API Changes

Added Moderation

Moderation is here! (kinda) The new moderation endpoint allows moderators to moderate content as they see fit. Here are some example messages:

Adding a Badge

POST /api/v1/moderation

"userid": "moderator userid",
"tokenContent": "moderator tokenContent",
"action": "addbadge",
"targetUserId": "the target userid",
"badgeName": "the name of the badge"

Removing a Badge

POST /api/v1/moderation

"userid": "moderator userid",
"tokenContent": "moderator tokenContent",
"action": "removebadge",
"targetUserId": "the target userid",
"badgeName": "the name of the badge"

Setting a Rank

the rank 3 is Verified

POST /api/v1/moderation

"userid": "moderator userid",
"tokenContent": "moderator tokenContent",
"action": "setrank",
"targetUserId": "the target userid",
"newRank": 3

Warning a User

POST /api/v1/moderation

"userid": "moderator userid",
"tokenContent": "moderator tokenContent",
"action": "warnuser",
"targetUserId": "the target userid",
"warnReason": "the reason for the warn",
"warnDescription": "the description for the warn"

Banning a User

POST /api/v1/moderation

timeEnd is a UNIX timestamp

"userid": "moderator userid",
"tokenContent": "moderator tokenContent",
"action": "addbadge",
"targetUserId": "the target userid",
"banReason": "the reason for the ban",
"banDescription": "the description for the ban",
"timeEnd": 451351341

Requesting Invites

Users can now request invites from other users! To get this to work, a new property needed to be added to the User API Object.

isInWorld describes if a user is in an instance, and is not on DoNotDisturb status nor Offline status.

To send a request, simply send the following message to the Socket Server

"userId": "your userid",
"tokenContent": "your tokenContent (if not verified by socket yet)",
"message": "requestinvite",
"args": {
"targetUserId": "the target userId"

Then, if the request is allowed, the targetUserId will recieve the following message:

"message": "gotinviterequest",
"result": {
"fromUserId": "the userId that sent the invite request"

From there, the target user can decide to send an Invite or ignore the message.